
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Herbs For Sinus Infection

Sinusitis has become a big problem for individuals all across the world. There are millions of people out there who are suffering from the excruciating misery of nasal congestion, inflamed sinus cavities, pain and pressure around the sinuses and many other visible symptoms of sinusitis. In many parts of the world, drugs that are commonly used in the western medicines are either undesirable or unavailable due to their  side effects. This is the reason why several sinusitis patients turn to the herbal remedies.

Herbal remedies are safe, even if you use them for a prolonged period of time. On the contrary, prescribed medications are generally expensive and lead to many unwanted side effects. Taking them persistently can further aggravate your condition. The herbs which are used for treating this malady are usually consumed through these methods.

This is a herb that is highly effective in opening up the clogged up nasal passages. You can use it as a natural inhalant or in the tea, by adding its leaves in it. Eucalyptus is more effective if used with the vaporizers. It is also used for treating sore throats and common colds.

This is another herb, which has almost similar effects like eucalyptus. It relieves congestion and reduces irritation in the sinus membranes. Sipping peppermint tea and inhaling its vapors at the same time makes an absolutely wonderful herbal remedy for sinusitis. This amazing ancient herb can also be used in the procedure of steam inhalation. Breathing in the hot fumes of scorching hot water, having peppermint leaves in it, is quite good for sinusitis sufferers.

This is yet another natural herb, which is known to kill the viruses that cause problems in the respiratory track. Those, who do not want to have it in the raw form, can take it in the capsule form. However, for those who are allergic to some plants like Ragweed, it is advisable to avoid Echinacea.

This is also another herb that helps in reducing inflammation in the sinuses. In most cases, it even provides instant headache relief. You can consume it in a number of ways. Though, it is available in the capsule and candied form, you can take it by adding in your tea and meals, as well. Ginger tea is a superb sinus home remedy. In fact, even those who opt for prescribed medication believe that it as an effective sinus treatment.

No doubt all the above stated herbal remedies can successfully fight off sinus infections; however, if you want to make the most of these remedies, then you ought to make some suitable changes in your lifestyle. Things, like drinking plenty of water, taking a nutritious diet, avoiding oily foods, taking proper rest, exercising regularly etc, can help you to recover in a good manner.

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