
Friday 10 May 2013

Herbs For Controlling Mood Swings

An extreme or rapid change in mood, which can serve a purpose when the mood brings you to accomplish your work but as they begin to control your life and interfere with your health they can affect the way you function in the world. We all suffer them from time to time-struggles with self-esteem to some more severe that become hypomania and last up to four to seven days. Mood swings can be tamed even if they feel out of control or seem to arrive at inopportune times in your life. Mood swings can be stressful to your health and to those around you but help is not far away, naturally.


Kava Kava is an island ritual drink that is used with good reason because it provides overall relaxation without the side-effect of feeling it kick in, you just ease on in to it. It produces sedative an anesthetic effects and is used to without disruption to mental clarity. Kava Kava reduces stress and anxiety to improve your health body, mind and soul. Lava Cola is a beverage found in your local health market that contains the same kevalactones.

Rhodiola Rosea also known as Roseroot this powerful adaptogen balances bodily functions and in this day and age this is a good thing to know. Improves stress-induced lack of appetite, decreases the effects of stress is having on you and the irritability that comes with it. Changes in serotonin and dopamine levels improve your mood and lift you from depression. It improves your physical and mental performance, reduces fatigue and normalises your menstrual cycle.

St. John’s Wort initially this plant was used to ward off evil and is commonly for mild to moderate depression, and in improving memory, prescribed in other countries. Right now it is being studied for use on alcoholism and the effects on the body and mind, also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial in its nature.

Passion flower reduces ADHA and insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy and has anti-depressant qualities. It is good in treat of generalised anxiety disorder with little to no side-fects.

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