
Saturday 1 June 2013

Herbs For Allergies

Modern medicine has made many advances over the years in treating allergy symptoms. Sometimes the cure may be worse than the illness. Many decongestants will lead to a dry mouth and a rise in blood pressure. Antihistamines tend to make you drowsy and groggy.

Antihistamines prevent the body from producing histamines. Histamines are a chemical by product when antibodies attack a foreign substance in the body. For allergy suffers, the body has mistakenly identified a benign substance to be a threat to the body. The immune system has created an antibody to attack and destroy this threat. Histamines create the allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and coughing, so when your body cannot produce as many, your symptoms are reduced as well.

Stinging Nettle  
This herb works very well as a natural antihistamine, without the drowsiness that comes from using many of the over-the-counter medicines that are available. Stinging nettle can be purchased in capsule form from many natural food and vitamin stores today.

Another herbal antihistamine, which is a harder herb to come by in the United States, but nevertheless effective as a natural means of treating allergies.

Is another good natural herb for allergies, and has the added benefit of acting as a natural antioxidant that can reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Has been used for a long time in treating respiratory complaints including cough and inflammation. It also has anti-catarrhal and antispasmodic properties.

According to German studies it may slow allergic reactions, such as those that trigger asthma attacks, by increasing the adrenal glands' production of cortisone, which reduces lung inflammation and makes breathing easier.

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