
Thursday 9 May 2013

The Role of Herbs in Our Body

We all know that we need  vitamins, minerals and herbs from our foods. But, even if we eat well, and most of us don't, we still need some supplements to our food intake for various reasons or for specific requirements. Often we don't really understand the contribution that each of these nutrients bring to our body maintenance, function and wellness. Because of that, we neglect giving what our body requires. Let's take a look at the role of herbs in our body.

Herbal supplements derive from certain plant ingredients that have been naturally processed and prepared for their specific purposes. When prepared and used correctly these powerful ingredients can heal the body and prevent minor and major diseases and illnesses.

The question often arises as to the difference between herbs and drugs. Through my substantial reading on this subject, I have never come across anyone who had a direct answer. But to put it in its best and briefest descriptive form, both herbs and drugs are used for medicinal purposes.
 With drugs, isolated ingredients are used from the particular plants which create a powerful effect through chemical compounds that have biological activity over and above the pure value of that plant ingredient.
Whereas, with herbs, the same specific ingredient is used in combination (as opposed to isolated) with other ingredients provided by nature within the plant. This synergy provides a balance and counterbalance to the more powerful ingredients, making it work in harmony with the natural elements of the body.

Of course, from here will derive a whole range of explanations, expansion, pros and cons and discussions from both sides of the drug and herb scientific position. But for the purpose of understanding the difference between drugs and herbs, as to the use and effect of either to our body, this is the simplest and most direct answer.
Herbal medicine comes in capsules, tablets, syrups, extracts, teas, powder, foods, and other expedient forms to offer the benefits of the plants from which they derive. Herbs are also used for culinary, cosmetic, medicinal, decorative or fragrance-emitting purposes. Different parts of the various herbs are used such as the leaves, seeds, stems and roots. They are commonly used in homeopathic remedies.
Herbal medicines have been known and used for millennia by Native Egyptian, Persian, Hebrew, Romans, Chinese, American and other nations around the world to cure practically every known diseases, until the early nineteen hundreds when modern pharmaceutical industries began to isolate the individual active compounds to produce the drugs.
 However in the last several years, scientists have started to take a second look at herbal remedies and consequently the use of herbal medicine has been rising steadily through a renewed interest.

Herbal's natural pharmacy is rich in compounds that have beneficial effects on various parts of the body such as, tissues, organs, glands, and general organic and biological sections of all body systems. It contains many herbs and herbal combination that can be used as natural medicines to prevent, treat and cure ailments, illnesses and diseases. It provides herbs that nourish and stimulate the immune system, repair the liver, strengthens the glandular system, regenerates damaged tissue, counters the side effect of chemotherapy, etc.

Medicinal herbs fall into two general categories: tonic and stimulating. Tonic helps maintain tone or balance within the cells, tissues and of the body systems. Some tonic herbs activate and revitalize body functions and others supply important nutrients needed for proper functioning. Stimulating herbs have stronger therapeutic actions upon the body parts and systems and are used to treat particular ailments, illnesses or diseases. They therefore are taken in smaller doses than tonic herbs and for shorter periods of time, and should be pursued with the help of a health professional.

Herbal teas are very effective for many conditions when taken regularly over a long period of time. There are literally hundreds of herbs and herbal combination that can be covered and discussed. However that is beyond the scope of this article which is to bring a general understanding of the importance of adding herbs to our health improvement program. As with any health issues, it is always advisable and recommended to consult your health practitioner before undertaking any major supplemental change.

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