
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Herbs For Removing Scars

Scars are the fibrous tissue formed on the skin in order to repair broken tissue. When there is an injury, the skin produces more cells in order to re-grow the punctured skin. This tissue is known as a scar.

A scar is easily visible because the cells that go in making up the scar are of lesser quality than the original cells. For example, the scars on the skin are not able to grow any hair since they have no hair follicles. Also they are lesser-resistant to UV radiation.

It is a fact that scars can never be completely healed. There are several medical and cosmetic methods to cover up scars, but none of them can claim to remove a scar completely. The scar can be masked by some methods, like laser surgery, steroid injections, dermabrasion and radio therapy, but none of these methods can remove the scar fully. On the contrary, there might be permanent injury to the skin. On the other hand, Ayurveda deals in some safe herbal methods to remove scars. These methods are generally simple home remedies, and they have no side-effects at all. You can try out these methods before going in for complicated surgical procedure.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a good home remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. Its juice is applied to the scars, which then slowly reduce and vanish.

The cool cucumber helps in the removal of scar tissues also. A paste is made of the cucumber and is applied directly onto the scars. This helps the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight.

Indian Gooseberry
The Indian gooseberry, or the amalaki, is very important in the prevention of scars after healing. Amalaki is the richest source of vitamin C, which is needed for cementing open wounds.

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