
Friday 17 May 2013

Herbs For Immunological Health

The body's immune system is a complex, yet amazing system that is never at rest. Because this system of the body is so busy all the time, you must be sure to feed it the proper, and essential, nutrients it needs to stay in tip top shape. Of all the systems in the body, your immune system plays the largest part in your day to day interaction with germs. We are constantly coming in contact with germs and parasites as well as other harmful things; if the immune system is not functioning properly due to malnourishment it cannot defend your body against these nasty little things. This is why it is so important to supplement your diet with these essential herbs. 

There are countless herbs that possess positive immune response properties, however, to list them all would be impossible, so we are going to discuss the some herbs for immune health.

Astragalus is an amazing herb that supports the immune system, and has been shown to restore a suppressed immune system due to certain conditions and treatments such as chemotherapy. Astragalus has shown positive results in preventing upper respiratory infections that commonly affect people with compromised immune systems. Also, the herb has been linked to cardiovascular health, but by far the most amazing results are the effects it has on the immune system.


Cat's Claw
A great herb to support and enhance the performance of the immune system is Cat's Claw. Cat's Claw has been used for centuries as a treatment of, and prevention of diseases. It is commonly used to help fight viral infections such as herpes and HIV; it is also used as a treatment for certain autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.Cat's claw HAS shown possible benefits of use in both osteo, and rheumatoid

Licorice is also a great immune booster; taking licorice can help alleviate many symptoms commonly associated with a weak immune system such as recurrent yeast infections, and recurrent bouts of the common cold. Licorice has also shown promising results in treating patients with Hepatitis C.

Elderberry is a flowering/berry making bush native to Europe. This berry has been used for treatment of the flu and flu like symptoms, as well as in conjunction with antibiotics for treatment of sinus infections. The Elderberry is a great immunological herb and has shown positive results in scientific testing.

Olive Leaf
Olive Leaf extract has often been called one of the best natural antimicrobial agents and antioxidants ever discovered. As a matter of fact a study conducted in 1999 by the university of Rome stated "Olea europaea can be considered a potential source of promising antimicrobial agents" for the support of intestinal and respiratory health.
In our day and age everyone needs to be sure to take an immune supporting herb, simply because of the nasty viruses that are circulating in our busy streets. 
SO, do your self a favor and be sure to take care of your it will continue to take care of you.

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