
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Health? What is this?

As we all know health matters a lot to lead a happy and fit life, But the thing is this how can we able to maintain our health and all the aspects related with it, everyone has own meaning of health depending on the situation. If any mom says that I am worried about my son when he rides his bike, it is a clear conclusion that she is worried about his physical health, and on other side if a mom says that she is worried about his son abilities in studies, there is also a clear impact that she is worried about his mental health.

There are two major types of health in our society, mental and physical. But to lead a complete and full of joy life we need both equally, now how is it possible for us to b healthy completely, is there any special training? No not at all, be easy and relax just listen to the nature and enjoy.

There are some simple and loving basics which we all should follow for better health, as we are so fast in following our friends on twitter, lol


Nutrition is the process of providing the healthy food to the body for growth. Nutrition is now the part of biochemical changes in our body structure, it is a simple give and take rule, if we provide good and healthy food to our body which we called nutrition, our body will show us the good health as well, it totally depend on us that in which way are treating our health, eating much is not nutrition, eating in the sense of body development is called nutrition, in simple words we can say that healthy food = healthy life.


I must say that Exercise is a boost up switch in the human body, it is the process to engage with physical effort to be healthy and fit, fitness is not here if you do not exercise there, there .is an interlink between health and exercise, if we want to be healthy we should perform exercise on daily basis, I am not giving you an idea to became Arnold, but if you need any example I am the big fan of Bruce lee, he was the man with my desired fitness and health.

I am not going to make this great topic boring with writing and writing on it, In shorts if i say something on Health, it is a life cycle of being a living thing, and if you are alive it is your natural duty to stay fit and be healthy till it ends.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Herbs for Healthy Life

If the heart muscle strengthening, you can return the joy of life

Back to the joy of life , and to ensure longevity strengthen the heart muscles. But before you start to a healthy heart, be sure to stop smoking completely abandon the use of alcohol, fat and spicy seasonings. Due to the need always walk in the fresh air , try to move a little bit more moderate eating .

So, when it began to bother pain in my heart , in the evening 1 tablespoon mint leaves, valerian root and rose hips grinding and mixing , and then the mixture is poured into an enamel 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to boil, boil for 5 minutes low heat injected cooling , strain and two tablespoons each day overnight in a warm place . Afternoon drink decoction and so on. In order to make it necessary in the morning grind and mix a pinch of valerian root and sweet , rose, hawthorn, motherwort , rosemary, lily of the valley , chamomile , peppermint, buckthorn, poured into an enamel pot 1.5L water mixture , bring to a boil , boiled for 5 minutes , low heat . Strain and drink after 8:00 adhere to 100 ml , 3 times daily , 30 minutes before meals . Herbal tea improvements. Good treatment. I often drink they feel great .

Those who suffer from gastritis , colitis, scurvy, scrofula , pain in the liver , kidneys and bladder , I suggest deemed hops . It should be inverted cone crushing plant 20 g in 250 ml of boiling water , leave for 30 minutes , strain, and within half an hour before take 2 tbsp. When the nervous irritability and convulsions 2 teaspoons grated hops into thermos 200 ml of water, after 5-6 hours , filter and drink 100 ml of the night . Two fluids used for cleaning wounds. Help them heal quickly . Hops , worn into powder , take 2 teaspoons condition improved cystitis , insomnia , joint and muscle pain. Jump strict prescription skin because its use causes uncontrollable stomach pain , nausea , shortness of breath .

To get rid of the swelling and cyanosis feet should be finely chopped 250 grams of garlic, peeled and liquid honey 380 g were mixed in a warm dark place station eight days , and then take a spoon to mix two months before dinner 40 minutes , 3 times a day .

Knee swelling will come down , and if the grate beets, press cake 2:00 and put it as a compress to the problem areas . You can be a little repulsed, dandelion leaves for cancer . 3-4 days later it will not .

Many people are unable to get rid of heartburn. I recommend a day 3 times a day before meals brewed as a tea , drink a cup of infusion St. John's wort , calendula , chamomile, mint leaves and rose hips. Also, try to have an evening hand lying on the stomach with its warmth , warm his hands. Soon, you will leave heartburn.

Fold wrinkle neck can be removed. To do this , heat vegetable oil , loose use of cotton wool , apply it to your neck , wrapped with cotton and fixed with a bandage . After 3 minutes, remove the bandage. Follow these procedures every three weeks , will once again become the skin on your neck silky smooth.

Overcome insomnia, you can give yourself a good night's sleep . To do this , chop and mix a tablespoon of valerian, mint leaves and hops , fill in an enamel pot 2 cups of water , boil , boil for 3 minutes , low heat bring . Cover, lid and night in a warm place. Tensions in the morning and take 2 table spoons in the evening before going to bed . You can drink honey tea.

In the various manifestations of allergy should be poured into the thermos cup boiling water 1 tablespoon flour Viburnum bark and a half hours, filtered , drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day until improvement .

It will help you cope with rickets . It should be 30 ml of fresh aloe juice ( cutting plant leaves five days without water ) , with 10 grams of honey and 150 ml of vodka mix three to five years , insist on one day , and then rub in the morning and in the evening a month tincture in pain . After 7 days of repeated interruption of treatment . Breaks to 3-4 months of treatment .

Improve vision and eliminate vitamin deficiency broth hips. It should be 100 grams chopped fruit plants pour 1 liter of boiling water , boil , boil for 5-7 minutes low heat 3 hours cover strain and drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day .

I urge you to continue to take care of the liver and kidneys. Protect these organs diseases , every morning on an empty stomach to eat two fresh-picked celandine leaves. In addition, you can grind and mix equal parts volume corn silk, St. John's wort herb , yarrow , plantain , mint, lemon balm , pour a mixture of 1 tablespoon boiling water , strain 30-40 minutes to drink 1/2 cup daily 3 times after meals. This is useful nettle . Narva its leaves , remember them in your hands and add to salad. This is not only a healthy liver and kidneys , but can also save you from intestinal cramps .
God 's help, being treated !

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Benefits Of Herbalism

Herbalism is what people are most attracted to in modern times. You must be wondering what it is all about. Well in that case I must tell you that it is the traditional medicinal practice that is based on the usage of plants and their extracts. It is also known by various other terms like herbal medicines, herbal treatments, herbology, botanical medicines, etc.

Herbalism makes use of the various herbs and medicinal plants in order to cure several ailments. We people don't even realize but most of the spices that we use at our homes are used in these medicines as well.
Usually people are unaware of the medicinal properties of such herbs. Using herbs for the treatment of various diseases is one universal practice. Herbalism has been opposed by various people throughout but people still take it as a very effective treatment option.

Though people take herbal medicines as one of the safest treatment options but still there are certain points that can't be ignored in any case. You must have seen and observed that there are whole lots of people selling their medicines claiming that they are herbal & completely natural. But several of them turn out to be fad. So, it is the responsibility of the people that they chose the right thing. It is important to know everything about the herbal medicines that you go for before trying them actually. It is very important as a good research would help you know whether it is really natural or not because you may also get trapped into the web of these fad medicines that are being sold in the markets today. So, you need to be careful and cautious while you go for them.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Treatment For Corns And Calluses

Corns on toes and calluses can be a big problem most especially if they begin to cause pain when you are walking. There are soft corns and hard corns. The soft ones form in between the soft parts of the toes and the hard ones form on top of the bony part of the toes. Here are safe and effective treatment for corns and calluses at home.

Petroleum Jelly
Every night moisturize your feet by applying petroleum jelly generously. Put on cotton socks and the next day wash your feet using lukewarm water and lather it with moisturizing bath soap. Scrub off calluses and corns using a pumice stone.

Crush 8 aspirin tablets into powder, mix in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the aspirin cream on your corns on toes and calluses liberally. Wrap your feet using a plastic clinging wrap. Use a warm towel and wrap it around your feet; after 20 minutes remove the towel and plastic wrap. Scrub your feet using a soft brush or a pumice stone.

Foot Bath
In a basin with warm water, put chamomile tea bag and your favorite liquid soap; soak your feet for 15 minutes and slowly slough the softened corns and calluses using a brush with soft bristles or a pumice stone. After washing the feet, apply moisturizer or lotion. Please do not apply lotion in between the toes because it might trigger fungal infections on your feet.

Wear shoes that fit well and comfortable to use. Ill fitting shoes will cause a lot of friction on your feet and cause calluses and corns to form. If possible wear flat shoes and use foot patches that are non-medicated to protect your feet. Cut toe nails properly. Wear socks that fit well.Very tight or loose socks can cause calluses and corns to form.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Spices vs Herbs

Spices and herbs are common in most foods around the world today. Both are used to flavor foods and some for medicinal purposes. Herbs and spices have both been prominent throughout human history. In earlier times, herbs and spices were considered luxuries and only available for the use of the wealthy. Herbs and spices were also traded frequently between nations in medieval times. Many people do not know the difference between an herb and a spice. There are many similarities between the two, and some of the differences are very subtle, but they are still valid.


The essential difference between an herb and a spice is where it is obtained from on a plant. Herbs usually come from the leafy part of a plant, and are usually dried. However, some herbs can be used fresh. Spices can be obtained from seeds, fruits, roots, bark, or some other vegetative substance. Spices are not necessarily as fresh as some herbs can be. Herbs can be found many places around the world, while spices are more commonly found in the Far East and tropical countries. Herbs are considered to have a few more uses than spices. For instance, herbs have been used more frequently than spices in the medical field. Also, herbs can and have been used to augment cosmetics and preserve foods.

Some argue that there is no distinction between herbs and spices, considering both have similar uses. However, a botanical definition reveals that an herb is a plant that doesn't produce a woody stem. It is common knowledge that in certain areas of the United States, a dried herb is considered to be a spice. This leads to more confusion because if a spice is simply an herb, then there cannot be a difference between the two. However, believing this is ignoring the fact that many herbs tend to be leafy green substances and spices are found in plants that are tropical in nature.

The debate between herbs and spices is ongoing. Some say that there is no difference, while others maintain that they are both completely different. Most learned scholars will say that the difference between an herb and a spice is found in where the herb or spice is obtained on the plant, and where that specific plant can be found.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Vitamins In Spices And Herbs

Few people discuss this issue because spices and herbs make up such a small part of your total meal. Be wary of exaggerated claims of certain flavorings that provide a large percentage of your daily needs and look carefully at the quantity that you need to eat in order to receive those benefits. For instance, a teaspoon of cayenne pepper would provide adults with about 83% of the daily-recommended intake of vitamin A.


One spice that does meet the vitamin A requirement is paprika. One teaspoon has about 140% of your daily needs. A teaspoon of thyme has about 10% of your daily needs of iron, while the same amount of basil contributes about 7% of your daily requirements of zinc. Coriander leaf, also known as cilantro, fulfills about 6% of your daily needs for vitamin C.

Seven teaspoons of celery seeds would provide you with the same amount of calcium as an 8-ounce cup of milk, but there are few recipes calling for that amount of celery seeds. Thus, one teaspoon would give you just 4% of the daily-recommended amount of calcium. Even a teaspoon of mustard seeds provides only 3% of the daily magnesium and phosphorus needed by an adult.

So, if you are making a meal and you happen to use a teaspoonful of any spice or herb, the chances are that you are preparing more than just one helping. A teaspoon of any one spice goes a long way toward flavoring a large quantity of food. Thus, as you can see, your actual consumption of the vitamins mentioned is even smaller. With herbs it is a little easier, because you can easily eat a large amount of basil or cilantro whether in a sauce or in a salad.

If you do love to spice up your food, combining a quarter teaspoon of this and that will add up to more than a teaspoon and a greater variety of vitamins and nutrients that you may not get elsewhere. All in all spices won't contribute a huge portion of the essentials to your diet, but sprinkling them over your food is an easy way to supplement the vitamins and nutrients that other foods provide.